Hotels: High-Tech vs. High-Touch

Leveraging Technology and the Human Touch in Hotel Operations

Leveraging Technology and the Human Touch in Hotel Operations
Article by
Bram Haenraets
Article update
July 7, 2024
Table of Contents

The hotel industry is currently experiencing a significant transformation, driven by rapid technological advancements and evolving guest expectations. In today's digital era, hotels are increasingly integrating innovative solutions to enhance their operations and services, such as a virtual concierge or other AI-driven technologies. However, amid these technological changes, the core essence of hospitality – providing personal and memorable guest experiences – remains paramount.

This evolution has given rise to two critical approaches in the hospitality sector: 'High Tech' and 'High Touch'. The 'High Tech' approach involves adopting advanced technology to streamline hotel operations, improve guest services, and increase overall operational efficiency. It represents the drive towards modernization and automation, aiming to meet the fast-paced demands of the digital age. A good example is the use of conversational AI for hotels. On the other hand, 'High Touch' emphasizes the importance of personalized, human-centric interactions. This approach focuses on the emotional and experiential aspects of hospitality, ensuring that guests feel valued, understood, and cared for during their stay.

Balancing 'High Tech' and 'High Touch' approaches is becoming increasingly crucial for hotels. It's not just about staying ahead in a competitive market; it's about appealing to a diverse range of guest preferences and ensuring that the charm and warmth of traditional hospitality are not lost in the race towards digitization.

In this blog, we will explore the dynamic interplay between high tech and high touch in the hotel industry. We'll examine how technological advancements are enhancing hotel operations, delve into the critical role of personalization in guest experience, and investigate how innovative solutions, such as Viqal's Voice Concierge, are redefining the balance between these two approaches. The goal is to provide insights into how hotels can leverage technology to improve their operations and guest services while maintaining the personal touch that is the hallmark of exceptional hospitality.

The Role of Technology in Enhancing Hotel Operations

Operations and Property Management Systems (PMS)

Operations and Property Management Systems (PMS) play a pivotal role in the modernization and efficiency of hotel operations. These systems are more than just tools for managing bookings; they are comprehensive solutions that address various aspects of hotel management.

  • Automation of Routine Tasks: One of the primary functions of PMS is the automation of routine tasks. This includes processes like guest check-ins and check-outs, room assignments, and managing housekeeping schedules. By automating these tasks, PMS systems significantly reduce the manual effort required, minimizing the chances of human error and freeing up staff to focus on more guest-centric activities. For instance, a PMS can automatically update room availability, process payments, and handle reservation changes, thereby streamlining the entire booking process. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also improves the guest experience by reducing waiting times and ensuring more accurate service. The impact of automating these routine tasks is substantial. It leads to quicker service delivery, higher accuracy in guest-related operations, and improved staff productivity. Employees are no longer bogged down by time-consuming administrative tasks and can instead focus on providing personalized services to guests.
  • Integration with Other Tech Solutions: Another critical aspect of PMS is its ability to integrate with a variety of other technology solutions used in the hospitality industry. This integration creates a unified management platform that brings together various functions like revenue management, customer relationship management (CRM), point of sale (POS) systems, and central reservation systems (CRS). For example, integrating a PMS with a CRM system enables hotels to manage guest profiles, preferences, and history in one place. This integration allows for a more personalized approach to guest service, as staff can access comprehensive guest information at their fingertips. Similarly, integration with revenue management systems helps hotels optimize pricing based on real-time market data and occupancy levels. The ability of PMS to seamlessly integrate with these systems ensures that data flows smoothly between different departments. This interconnectedness results in better coordination among staff, more informed decision-making, and a more cohesive guest experience. For instance, when the housekeeping team updates a room's status as clean in the PMS, the front desk immediately knows that the room is ready for a new guest, reducing wait times and improving guest satisfaction.

Distribution and Central Reservation Systems (CRS)

Distribution and Central Reservation Systems (CRS) play a fundamental role in the modern hospitality landscape, primarily by enhancing the efficiency of booking processes and expanding a hotel's market reach.

  • Streamlining Booking Processes: A Central Reservation System is crucial in simplifying the booking experience for guests. It serves as a centralized platform where all room inventory and rates are managed and displayed in real time. This system allows guests to easily check room availability, compare rates, and make reservations online. The simplification and accessibility of this process are vital in today’s digital age, where convenience and speed are highly valued by consumers. The efficiency of CRS in handling reservations is not limited to direct bookings via a hotel’s website. It also integrates with other distribution channels like online travel agencies (OTAs), global distribution systems (GDS), and more. This integration ensures that availability and rates are consistently updated across all platforms, preventing overbooking and rate discrepancies. Moreover, the CRS can automate various aspects of the booking process, such as sending confirmation emails, payment processing, and generating reports, thereby reducing the administrative burden on staff and minimizing errors.
  • Maximizing Global Reach: Another significant advantage of CRS is its ability to extend a hotel's reach to a global audience. By connecting to various distribution channels, including OTAs, GDS, and meta-search engines, hotels can showcase their offerings to a vast and diverse customer base. This global reach is particularly important for hotels looking to attract international travelers or those from different regions. Through these distribution channels, hotels can market their rooms to potential guests who might not have been reached through traditional marketing methods or direct bookings. This expanded visibility is crucial for increasing occupancy rates and maximizing revenue. Furthermore, CRS allows hotels to manage their presence on these platforms efficiently, ensuring that information like room descriptions, rates, and availability is consistent and up-to-date.

Marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are integral components in the hospitality sector, especially in terms of crafting personalized marketing strategies and fostering guest loyalty.

  • Personalized Marketing Strategies: CRM tools are instrumental in enabling hotels to engage in targeted marketing, an approach that caters specifically to the preferences and needs of individual guests. These tools collect and analyze data from various guest interactions, including previous stays, preferences indicated during bookings, feedback, and engagement with marketing campaigns. By leveraging this rich data, hotels can create highly personalized marketing messages and offers. For instance, if a CRM system identifies a guest who frequently stays for business purposes, the hotel can tailor its communication to highlight amenities like business centers, meeting rooms, or express check-in services. Similarly, for guests who have shown interest in spa services in the past, hotels can send targeted offers for spa packages or wellness retreats. Such personalized marketing not only increases the chances of conversion by offering relevant and appealing options to guests but also enhances the guest's overall experience with the brand. It makes the guests feel valued and understood, as the communication they receive is tailored to their specific interests and past behaviors.
  • Building Guest Loyalty through Data Analysis: Another vital role of CRM in the hospitality industry is in building and maintaining guest loyalty. Through the analysis of guest data, hotels can design and implement effective loyalty programs and personalized offers. These programs are often based on a guest's booking history, spending patterns, and preferences. By analyzing this data, hotels can create customized rewards and incentives that resonate with individual guests. For instance, a guest who frequently uses the hotel's dining services might be offered a complimentary meal or a discount at the hotel restaurant. Similarly, a guest who has stayed multiple times might receive a room upgrade or a special rate. These personalized rewards and offers not only encourage repeat business but also foster a sense of loyalty and connection between the guest and the hotel. They demonstrate to guests that the hotel recognizes and appreciates their patronage, which is a powerful tool in building long-term customer relationships.

Revenue Management Systems (RMS)

Revenue Management Systems (RMS) are essential tools in the hotel industry, especially for implementing dynamic pricing strategies and optimizing revenue and occupancy rates.

  • Dynamic Pricing Strategies: One of the key functionalities of RMS is to assist hotels in setting optimal pricing for their rooms. This is done through dynamic pricing, which is the adjustment of room rates in real-time based on various market factors. RMS analyzes a wealth of data, including demand trends, competitor pricing, historical occupancy rates, local events, and even weather patterns, to recommend the most effective room rates. By utilizing dynamic pricing strategies, hotels can respond promptly to market changes. For instance, during peak tourist seasons or major local events, RMS can suggest higher rates due to increased demand. Conversely, during off-peak times, it might recommend lower rates to attract more guests. This flexibility ensures that the hotel remains competitive while maximizing revenue potential. The sophistication of RMS enables hotels to go beyond simple supply and demand equations. These systems can segment customers and tailor pricing according to different customer profiles, booking channels, or even time of booking. This level of granularity in pricing helps hotels to attract a wide range of guests while optimizing revenue from each segment.
  • Optimizing Occupancy and Revenue: The second major advantage of RMS is its ability to aid in maximizing both occupancy and revenue. This is a delicate balance, as simply filling rooms does not necessarily maximize revenue, and the highest room rates may not achieve optimal occupancy. RMS systems employ advanced algorithms and predictive analytics to forecast occupancy and suggest rate strategies that would maximize revenue. For example, the system might suggest lower rates to increase occupancy during slow periods, but also identify opportunities to upsell or cross-sell additional services to guests, thus increasing overall revenue. These systems also consider the total guest value, which includes not just the room rate but also ancillary spending at the hotel's facilities such as restaurants, spas, and other services. By analyzing this comprehensive data, RMS can help hotels develop pricing and promotional strategies that maximize overall revenue per available room (RevPAR) and total guest value.

Guest Experience and Guest Apps

Guest Experience Applications, commonly known as guest apps, have become an integral part of hotel operations, significantly enhancing the guest experience in various ways.

  • Enhancing Guest Convenience and Personalization: One of the primary functions of guest apps is to offer unparalleled convenience and personalization to hotel guests. These applications serve as a digital concierge, allowing guests to manage their entire stay from their smartphones. This includes functionalities like mobile check-in and check-out, keyless room entry, controlling room settings (like temperature and lighting), requesting room service, and booking hotel amenities such as spa appointments or restaurant reservations. The level of personalization that guest apps offer is a significant enhancement to the guest experience. For example, based on previous stays or preferences indicated in the app, the hotel can tailor room settings or suggest personalized activities and services. This ability to customize their stay not only adds convenience for guests but also makes their experience more enjoyable and aligned with their preferences.
  • Streamlining Information and Services: Guest apps also act as a central hub for information and services. They provide guests with real-time information about the hotel's facilities, events, local attractions, and any special offers or promotions. This immediate access to information enhances the guest's stay by helping them make the most of the hotel's offerings and the local area. Furthermore, these apps streamline services by facilitating direct communication between guests and hotel staff. Guests can make requests or report issues through the app, which are immediately directed to the relevant department. This direct line of communication improves response times and service quality, significantly enhancing guest satisfaction.
  • Feedback and Engagement: Guest apps offer an effective platform for gathering guest feedback. Hotels can prompt guests to leave reviews or complete surveys through the app, providing valuable insights into their experience. This immediate feedback allows hotels to address any issues promptly and make continuous improvements to their services. In addition, guest apps can be used for engaging with guests throughout their journey, from pre-arrival to post-departure. For example, sending a welcome message before arrival, providing useful information during the stay, and a thank-you note after departure. This ongoing engagement helps in building a relationship with the guest, increasing loyalty and the likelihood of return visits.
  • Integration with Other Hotel Systems: A significant advantage of guest apps is their ability to integrate with other hotel systems such as PMS, CRM, and RMS. This integration ensures that all guest interactions and preferences are captured and utilized across various hotel operations, further enhancing personalization and efficiency.

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High Touch: Prioritizing Guest Experience

The Need for Personalization in Guest Interactions

Personalization in the hospitality industry goes far beyond just addressing a guest by their name. It encompasses a comprehensive approach to recognizing and catering to the individual needs and preferences of each guest. This level of personalization is fundamental in today's hospitality landscape because guests increasingly value experiences that feel tailored specifically to them. Personalized experiences can range from customizing the room environment according to the guest's preferences to providing bespoke recommendations for dining or local attractions based on their interests.

The essence of personalization lies in making the guest feel special and valued. This can be achieved through various means, such as remembering their previous choices and preferences during subsequent visits, acknowledging special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries, and even small gestures like offering a favorite drink or pillow type. These details contribute significantly to enhancing the overall guest experience, leading to increased satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, advocacy for the brand.

Role of Human Touch in Creating Memorable Experiences

While technology plays a critical role in modern hospitality, the human touch remains irreplaceable in creating truly memorable guest experiences. Human interactions, characterized by warmth, empathy, and attentiveness, often leave a lasting impression on guests. This could be the friendly greeting from the front desk staff, the concierge's knowledgeable recommendations for local experiences, or the attentive service from the restaurant and housekeeping staff.

These interactions add a personal dimension to the guest's experience, making them feel genuinely cared for. The ability of staff to anticipate guest needs, offer personalized attention, and respond empathetically to any concerns can significantly elevate the overall experience. It's these human elements that often lead to positive reviews, repeat visits, and personal recommendations, which are invaluable for any hotel.

Challenges of Maintaining High-Touch Services in a High-Tech World

In an era where technological advancements are rapidly transforming the hospitality industry, maintaining a balance between high-tech and high-touch services is a significant challenge. The key is to ensure that technology enhances personal interactions rather than replacing them. While tech solutions like self-service kiosks, mobile check-ins, and chatbots can increase efficiency, they should not diminish the opportunities for personal engagement.

The challenge lies in integrating technology in a way that it complements the human aspect of service. For example, using CRM systems to provide staff with insights about guest preferences can enhance personalization. Similarly, automating routine tasks can free up staff time, allowing them to focus more on guest interactions.

Another aspect of this challenge is training staff to effectively blend technology and personal service. Employees should be skilled not only in operating new technologies but also in using these tools to enhance guest interactions. This might involve recognizing when to step in with a personal touch in a process that is typically automated.

Blending High Tech with High Touch in Guest Experience

Guest Experience Applications

  1. Enhancing Convenience and Personalization: Guest experience applications have revolutionized the way guests interact with hotel services. These apps provide a level of convenience and personalization that was previously unattainable. Guests can now control various aspects of their stay through their smartphones, including setting room preferences such as temperature and lighting, making dining and activity reservations, and even requesting specific amenities. This level of personalization allows guests to tailor their stay to their exact preferences, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.
  2. Providing Real-Time Information and Services: Beyond personalization, these apps serve as a comprehensive portal for real-time information and services. Guests can access a wide range of information, from the hotel's amenities and services to local attractions and events. Real-time updates on services like spa availability or restaurant reservations also enhance the guest experience by providing timely and relevant information. This continuous stream of information keeps guests connected and informed throughout their stay, making their experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Viqal's Voice Concierge: A Case Study

Viqal's Voice Concierge
  1. Overview of Viqal's Voice Concierge: Viqal's Voice Concierge exemplifies the integration of high tech in enhancing the guest experience. Acting as a virtual team member, this advanced technology facilitates natural conversations with guests, handling routine inquiries and service orders efficiently. It's designed to respond to a range of guest requests, from basic information about hotel services to taking room service orders, thus adding a layer of convenience and responsiveness to guest interactions.
  2. Integration with Hotel Operations: One of the significant advantages of Viqal's Voice Concierge is its ability to seamlessly integrate with existing hotel operations and guest experience applications. This integration ensures that all guest interactions via the Voice Concierge are in sync with other hotel systems, such as the PMS and CRM. For instance, when a guest makes a request through the Voice Concierge, it's immediately logged into the system and directed to the relevant department, ensuring efficient and accurate fulfillment of the request.
  3. Improving Staff Efficiency and Guest Satisfaction: By automating routine tasks and inquiries, Viqal's Voice Concierge significantly enhances staff efficiency. Staff members are relieved from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus more on providing personalized and high-touch guest experiences. This shift not only improves staff morale by enabling them to engage in more meaningful interactions but also elevates the overall guest experience. Guests benefit from quicker responses to their needs and more attentive service, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

Operational Efficiency Through Technology

The integration of advanced technology in hotel operations significantly impacts staff workload and overall operational efficiency. By adopting the right tech solutions, hotels can streamline processes, reduce manual labor, and enhance service quality.

Impact of Technology on Staff Workload and Efficiency

Advanced technology solutions in the hospitality industry are designed to alleviate the workload on staff, enabling them to dedicate more time and energy to value-added services. These technologies automate routine and time-consuming tasks such as data entry, reservation management, and basic guest inquiries. For example, automated check-in systems can handle the arrival process, while AI-driven tools can answer common guest questions. This automation frees up staff to focus on areas that require a personal touch, like guest relations and personalized services.

Moreover, technology can optimize operational processes, making them more efficient and less prone to errors. For instance, integrated management systems can synchronize various departments (like housekeeping, front office, and F&B), ensuring smooth operations and reducing communication gaps. This efficiency not only improves the workflow but also enhances staff morale as they can operate in a more organized and less stressful environment.

Staff-Guest Communication

  1. Streamlining Communication and Task Management: Viqal's Staff Alerting App exemplifies how technology can enhance communication and task management within a hotel. This app acts as a central platform for staff communication, allowing for the efficient allocation and tracking of tasks. For example, if a guest requests extra towels via a guest app or service desk, this request can be instantly communicated to the housekeeping staff through Viqal's app. The app ensures that such requests are promptly assigned and addressed, streamlining the workflow and reducing the time taken to fulfill guest needs.
  2. Enhancing Staff Responsiveness and Service Quality: The app also plays a crucial role in enhancing staff responsiveness and service quality. By providing real-time updates and alerts, staff can quickly respond to guest needs and unexpected situations. The app can prioritize tasks based on urgency, ensuring that critical issues are addressed promptly. This responsiveness not only improves the guest experience but also helps in efficiently managing resources and staff time. Additionally, having a centralized system for task management and communication ensures that all team members are on the same page, which is essential for providing consistent and high-quality service.


As we navigate through the evolving landscape of the hotel industry, it becomes increasingly clear that the successful integration of 'High Tech' and 'High Touch' approaches is not just a trend, but a necessity. The advancement of technology in hotel operations, as exemplified by sophisticated Property Management Systems, Distribution and Central Reservation Systems, and advanced Revenue Management Systems, has dramatically transformed the efficiency and scope of hotel operations. These systems automate routine tasks, streamline booking processes, and enable dynamic pricing strategies, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and market competitiveness.

Simultaneously, the importance of personalization and human interaction in the guest experience cannot be overstated. The hospitality industry thrives on creating memorable, personal experiences. Technologies like guest experience applications and innovative solutions such as Viqal's Voice Concierge have shown how digital tools can enhance the guest experience while maintaining the personal touch. These applications not only offer convenience and real-time information but also allow for a degree of personalization and engagement that was previously unattainable.

However, the challenge lies in harmonizing these technological advancements with the human element of hospitality. The integration of technology must be handled thoughtfully, ensuring it complements rather than replaces the human touch. Training staff to effectively blend technology with personal service is crucial in this regard. By doing so, hotels can leverage the efficiency and data-driven precision of technology while preserving the warmth and personalization that define exceptional hospitality.

The future of the hotel industry lies in this delicate balance between embracing technological innovations and maintaining the essence of human-centric hospitality. As demonstrated throughout this blog, by successfully integrating high tech with high touch, hotels can not only meet but exceed the evolving expectations of their guests, ensuring a vibrant and sustainable future for the hospitality industry.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the difference between high-tech and high-touch approaches in hotel management?

High-tech in hotel management refers to the utilization of advanced technology, like digital check-ins, AI-powered customer service, and smart room controls, to streamline operations and enhance the guest experience. High-touch, on the other hand, emphasizes personalized, human-centered service, focusing on face-to-face interactions and attentive, bespoke guest care. The key difference lies in the balance between technological efficiency and human warmth and personalization in service delivery.


How do hotels balance high-tech and high-touch elements to improve guest experience?

Balancing high-tech and high-touch in hotels involves integrating technology to enhance efficiency and convenience without compromising the personal, human element of hospitality. For instance, a hotel might use an app for easy check-in and room controls, while ensuring staff are available and trained to provide warm, personalized service. The goal is to leverage technology to free up staff time, allowing them to focus more on delivering exceptional, personalized guest experiences.


Can high-tech amenities replace the high-touch aspect of hospitality?

While high-tech amenities significantly enhance efficiency and often improve the guest experience, they cannot fully replace the high-touch aspect of hospitality. The essence of hospitality lies in human interaction and personalized care, which technology cannot completely replicate. High-tech solutions are best used as tools to augment, rather than replace, the personal touch that is fundamental to outstanding hospitality.