Part 8: In-Room Technology

Smart Hospitality: Crafting the Future of Guest Experiences with In-Room Innovation

Smart Hospitality: Crafting the Future of Guest Experiences with In-Room Innovation
Article by
Bram Haenraets
Article update
July 10, 2024
Table of Contents

Disclaimer: The insights and discussions presented in this blog series are intended to provide a broad overview of modern hotel technology stacks. The content is designed for informational purposes and may not reflect the most recent market developments. Every hotel's needs and circumstances are unique; thus, the technology solutions and strategies discussed should be tailored to meet specific operational requirements. Readers are advised to conduct further research or consult with industry experts before making any significant technological investments or strategic decisions.

More in the Hotel Tech Stack series:

The Evolution of In-Room Technology

The evolution of in-room technology in the hospitality industry has been significant, transitioning from basic amenities to sophisticated smart room features and virtual concierges able to respond to any guest inquiriy from simple FAQ's to complex tasks such as issue escalation and staff activation. Initially focused on comfort and convenience with simple appliances, in-room offerings have transformed with the advent of technology. Today, guests can experience advanced smart features such as automated climate control, voice-activated devices, and personalized entertainment systems. These technological enhancements are not only redefining comfort and convenience but also elevating the standard of guest personalization and control over their environment.

Explore smart in-room tech that personalizes and streamlines the hotel experience with innovative features for today's guests.
Elevating the Guest Experience with Smart In-Room Technology

Current State of In-Room Tech

The current state of in-room technology offers guests an array of modern conveniences and connected experiences. Beyond the standard high-speed internet and smart TVs, rooms now often feature advanced climate control systems that guests can adjust to their preference. Interactive room service and hotel information are accessible via in-room tablets, and personal smartphones often double as room keys and control hubs for lighting and entertainment systems. Voice-controlled assistants like Alexa or Google Home are increasingly common, allowing for hands-free requests and information queries. Bathrooms may include smart mirrors with weather updates and news feeds, while wireless charging pads and high-quality Bluetooth speakers cater to the tech-savvy traveler. These in-room tech amenities collectively aim to create an environment where comfort, convenience, and connectivity converge to meet the needs of modern guests.

Smart Room Features

Smart room features represent the pinnacle of personalized guest experiences in modern hotels. These include IoT devices that allow for the environmental customization of a room, such as lighting, temperature, and even window shades, all controllable via in-room tablets or mobile apps. Personalization extends to entertainment systems, where guests can access streaming services with their accounts. Automation enhances convenience, with motion sensors for lighting and energy-saving modes when guests are away. The integration of these smart features aims to provide not only comfort and efficiency but also a sense of novelty and technological sophistication for guests during their stay. Feature categories for smart room technology:

  1. Environmental Control: Automated systems for lighting, temperature, and window shades.
  2. Entertainment Integration: Smart TVs with streaming services, in-room speakers.
  3. Connectivity Solutions: High-speed Wi-Fi, wireless charging pads, USB ports.
  4. Voice-Controlled Assistants: Voice Concierge Systems like Viqal or HVAC devices like Alexa or Google Home for hands-free commands.
  5. Personalized Room Settings: Customization of room ambiance based on guest preferences.
  6. Automated Energy Management: Motion sensors and energy-saving modes for efficiency.
  7. Interactive Room Service: In-room tablets or apps for ordering food, extra amenities, or information.
  8. Smart Bathroom Features: High-tech mirrors with displays, advanced shower systems.

Enhancing Guest Comfort and Control

In-room technology greatly enhances guest comfort and control by allowing them to tailor the room environment to their preferences. Features like adjustable climate controls, personalized lighting, and entertainment systems can be managed easily through in-room tablets, mobile apps, or voice commands. This level of personalization ensures that guests can create an environment that suits their comfort, enhancing their overall experience. Additionally, with access to services like room service or information requests at their fingertips, guests enjoy a sense of autonomy and convenience that was previously unattainable.

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Integrating In-Room Tech with Hotel Services

Integrating in-room technology with hotel services like concierge and room service creates a seamless guest experience. This integration allows guests to easily request services, make reservations, or seek information through the same in-room devices that control their environment. By consolidating these functionalities, hotels can offer a more streamlined and efficient service, enhancing guest satisfaction and operational efficiency. The synergy between in-room tech and hotel services ensures that guests' needs are met promptly and conveniently, elevating the overall quality of their stay. Hotel services in-room technology can be integrated with:

  1. Room Service Ordering: Using in-room tablets or smart TVs for direct room service orders.
  2. Concierge Requests: Making requests for concierge services like booking tours or transportation.
  3. Housekeeping Requests: Easy access to request extra towels, toiletries, or cleaning services.
  4. Maintenance Notifications: Quickly reporting any room issues or maintenance needs.
  5. Information Access: Providing hotel information, local guides, and event schedules.
  6. Feedback and Surveys: Offering an immediate channel for guests to provide feedback on their stay.

Sustainability and Efficiency

In-room technology plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability and energy efficiency in hotels. Smart systems can automatically adjust lighting and temperature based on occupancy, reducing energy consumption. Additionally, the use of energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting contributes to a smaller environmental footprint. By integrating sustainability into their operations through technology, hotels not only reduce costs but also appeal to environmentally conscious guests, aligning with a growing trend towards eco-friendly travel. How in-room technology can contribute to energy savings:

  1. Smart Thermostats: Adjusting room temperature based on occupancy or pre-set preferences.
  2. Automated Lighting: Using motion sensors to turn lights off when rooms are unoccupied.
  3. Energy-Efficient Appliances: Implementing devices that consume less power.
  4. Digital Information Guides: Reducing paper usage by providing information digitally.
  5. Water Conservation: Smart shower systems and faucets that reduce water usage.

Challenges in Implementation

Implementing smart room technology poses several challenges for hotels, including the high cost of upgrading existing infrastructure and the need for staff training on new systems. Additionally, ensuring compatibility between new technologies and existing hotel systems can be complex. There's also the challenge of maintaining reliability and security of these tech solutions, especially in terms of guest data privacy. Overcoming these hurdles requires careful planning, investment, and a focus on long-term benefits to both guest experience and operational efficiency. Here are key challenges in implementing smart room technology:

  1. High Costs: Initial investment and ongoing maintenance expenses.
  2. System Integration: Ensuring new tech is compatible with existing systems.
  3. Staff Training: Educating staff on new technology use and troubleshooting.
  4. Reliability and Maintenance: Keeping the technology consistently functional.
  5. Data Security: Protecting guest privacy and securing network connections.
  6. Guest Adaptability: Ensuring ease of use for guests of varying tech-savviness.

The Future of In-Room Tech

The future of in-room technology is expected to see advancements like augmented and virtual reality for immersive in-room entertainment and guest services, further integration of AI for more intuitive and personalized guest experiences, and the adoption of IoT for even more interconnected room features. Additionally, advancements in voice command technology and biometric systems for enhanced security and personalization are likely. These innovations will focus on enhancing guest comfort, providing bespoke experiences, and further streamlining hotel operations.


As we conclude our exploration of In-Room Technology in Part 8 of our series, we've ventured through the sophisticated landscape of smart room features that are reshaping the hospitality industry. From the essential comforts of automated environmental controls to the cutting-edge prospects of augmented reality for in-room entertainment, we're witnessing a tech revolution that's setting new benchmarks for guest satisfaction. Looking ahead, the horizon gleams with potential, promising advancements that will not only refine guest experiences but also redefine what it means to stay in a hotel.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is autonomous guest engagement and what sets Viqal apart?

Viqal stands out with autonomous guest engagement, i.e. fully automating the guest inquiry process, from initiating natural conversations to PMS data entry, all without manual effort from staff. Their deep hotel tech know-how ensures seamless system integration, making guest interactions efficient and staff roles more strategic.


What are the current features of in-room technology, and how do they enhance guest experiences?

Modern in-room technology offers a range of conveniences like advanced climate control systems, interactive room service via in-room tablets, smartphone-integrated room keys, voice-controlled assistants, and smart mirrors. These features provide a connected experience, enhancing guest comfort and control by allowing personalization of the room environment through various tech amenities


What challenges do hotels face in implementing in-room technology, and what does the future hold?

Implementing in-room technology poses challenges such as high costs, the need for staff training, ensuring compatibility with existing systems, maintaining reliability and security, and ensuring ease of use for guests. The future of in-room technology includes advancements in augmented and virtual reality, AI, IoT, voice command technology, and biometric systems, focusing on enhancing guest comfort, providing bespoke experiences, and streamlining hotel operations​