What Is A Star Report For Hotels?

A Deep Dive into Data-Driven Hotel Management Strategies

A Deep Dive into Data-Driven Hotel Management Strategies
Article by
Bram Haenraets
Article update
July 6, 2024
Table of Contents

Hoteliers find a powerful ally in the STAR report to stay ahead of the curve. This document is not just a collection of data; it's a beacon in the complex seas of market analytics and AI concierge big data illuminating the path to informed decisions and strategic planning. The STAR report transcends its role as a mere analytical tool; it's a strategic compass, essential for navigating the competitive hospitality landscape. Adopted as an industry benchmark, it empowers hoteliers to not only gauge their performance but also to craft strategies that outflank competition. Together with new technology like AI, online concierges and chatbots, this report has become the cornerstone for performance benchmarking, offering a clear view of where a hotel stands in the market and what moves it should make next.

What is a STAR Report?

The Smith Travel Accommodations Report (STAR), provided by STR Global, is a comprehensive data source offering deep insights into a hotel's performance compared to its competitors. Its inception marked a significant evolution in hospitality analytics, transforming how hoteliers assess and strategize their market position. STR Global, the provider of the STAR report, is renowned for its meticulous approach to data accuracy and comprehensiveness. The insights offered by STR Global are not mere reflections of market trends; they are the building blocks for strategic decision-making, enabling hotels to accurately evaluate their standing in the market.

Key Metrics Analyzed in a STAR Report

The report focuses on critical metrics like Occupancy Rate, Average Daily Rate (ADR), and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR). These metrics are the pulse points of hotel performance, offering a clear view of operational success and areas needing improvement.

  • Occupancy Rate: This metric serves as a primary indicator of a hotel's ability to attract and retain guests, reflecting the percentage of occupied rooms at any given time.
  • Average Daily Rate (ADR): The ADR offers insights into the financial health of a property, measuring the average revenue earned per occupied room.
  • Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR): RevPAR combines occupancy and ADR to provide a holistic view of a hotel’s revenue-generating efficiency.

Understanding and analyzing these metrics is crucial for hotels to not only comprehend their current performance but also to forecast future trends and adapt accordingly.

Understanding the Indexes

The STAR report utilizes several key indexes to provide deeper insights into a hotel's market positioning. These indexes are pivotal in deciphering the competitive landscape and tailoring strategies for enhanced performance.

Market Penetration Index (MPI)

The Market Penetration Index (MPI) is a critical tool for evaluating a hotel's occupancy performance in relation to its chosen competitive set. This index is calculated by dividing the hotel's occupancy rate by the average occupancy rate of its competitive set. A value greater than 100 indicates that the hotel is capturing a larger share of the market in terms of occupancy, while a value less than 100 suggests it is underperforming compared to its peers. MPI is instrumental in assessing how effective a hotel is in attracting guests relative to its direct competitors.

Average Rate Index (ARI)

The Average Rate Index (ARI) offers a comparative look at a hotel's Average Daily Rate (ADR) against those of its competitors. This index is determined by dividing the hotel's ADR by the average ADR of its competitive set. An ARI greater than 100 signifies that the hotel is pricing its rooms higher than the average of its competitors, potentially indicating a premium positioning. Conversely, an ARI below 100 may reflect a strategy of pricing rooms lower than competitors to attract more guests. ARI is a crucial metric for hoteliers to evaluate and adjust their pricing strategies effectively.

Revenue Generation Index (RGI)

The Revenue Generation Index (RGI) is a comprehensive measure of a hotel's ability to capture revenue compared to its competitive set. It is calculated by dividing the hotel's RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room) by the average RevPAR of its competitive set. RGI is a vital index for understanding a hotel's market share in terms of revenue generation. An RGI above 100 indicates that the hotel is outperforming its competitors in revenue efficiency, while a value below 100 suggests there are opportunities for improvement. This index helps hoteliers to gauge their overall financial performance in the context of the market and make informed decisions regarding revenue management strategies.

The Components of a STAR Report

A STAR report is a multifaceted document that provides hoteliers with a comprehensive view of their property's performance. Key components of this report enable an in-depth analysis and understanding of various performance metrics.

Data Segmentation

Market, Class, and Scale Segmentation: The STAR report segments data by market, class, and scale, providing a layered and detailed perspective. Market segmentation allows comparison within the specific geographical area or type of market the hotel operates in. Class segmentation categorizes hotels based on their service level and amenities, offering insights into how a hotel performs against similar types of properties. Scale segmentation, meanwhile, compares hotels based on their size and capacity. This tri-fold segmentation ensures that comparisons and analyses are relevant and accurately reflect the hotel's standing in its specific context.

Historical Performance Analysis

Year-over-Year Comparisons: One of the most valuable aspects of the STAR report is its historical performance analysis. By providing year-over-year data, the report allows hoteliers to track progress, understand long-term trends, and gauge the effectiveness of their strategies. This historical perspective is crucial for identifying growth patterns, seasonal variances, and the impact of any strategic initiatives undertaken by the hotel. It helps in isolating external factors like economic changes or market shifts from internal factors like operational improvements or marketing efforts.

Competitive Set Benchmarking

Performance Comparison with Chosen Competitors: The STAR report enables hotels to benchmark their performance against a carefully selected group of competitors, known as the competitive set. This feature is particularly important as it offers a realistic view of how the hotel is performing in its direct competitive landscape. Hotels can choose competitors that match their market, class, and scale, ensuring that the comparisons are meaningful and actionable. By analyzing how they stack up against these selected competitors, hoteliers can identify areas of strength to capitalize on and weaknesses to address, fine-tuning their strategies for better market positioning and performance.

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Interpreting the STAR Report

The interpretation of the STAR report is a critical process that enables hoteliers to translate data into actionable strategies. This involves a detailed analysis of market trends, performance variances, and the application of these insights in real-world scenarios.

Analyzing Trends and Variances

  • Understanding Market Dynamics: The key to effectively utilizing the STAR report lies in understanding the subtleties and nuances of market dynamics. This includes identifying trends in occupancy rates, ADR, and RevPAR, and understanding their implications for the hotel's performance. For instance, a consistent increase in ADR might indicate a growing market strength or a successful premium pricing strategy, while a decline could signal a need for revised pricing or marketing strategies.
  • Adapting and Optimizing Strategies: By analyzing trends and variances in these key metrics, hotels can adapt their strategies to better align with market demands. This might involve adjusting pricing strategies, enhancing marketing efforts, or even reevaluating the competitive set to ensure it remains relevant. The ability to quickly adapt to market changes is crucial in maintaining and enhancing competitiveness in the hospitality industry.

Case Studies: Successful Applications

  • Real-world Examples of Enhanced Performance: The practical application of insights from the STAR report can be best understood through real-world case studies. These examples showcase how hotels have effectively interpreted their STAR report data to make strategic decisions that improve their performance.
  • Strategic Decisions Leading to Success: Case studies often include scenarios where hotels identified opportunities through their STAR report, such as recognizing underserved market segments, adjusting pricing in response to demand fluctuations, or redefining their competitive set. For example, a hotel might notice a trend of increasing occupancy rates in its competitive set but not in its own performance, prompting a review and enhancement of its marketing strategies. Alternatively, a hotel may discover through its RGI that it's outperforming its competitive set in revenue generation, indicating effective revenue management practices that can be further leveraged.
  • Learning from Others’ Experiences: These case studies are invaluable for understanding how data interpretation leads to tangible improvements in hotel performance. They provide insights not only into successful strategies but also offer lessons on navigating challenges and overcoming setbacks.

Strategic Implications of the STAR Report

The STAR report is more than just a collection of data; it's a strategic tool that can profoundly influence various aspects of hotel management, particularly in pricing strategies, revenue management, and marketing and sales tactics.

Pricing Strategies

  • Developing Competitive and Profitable Pricing: The insights provided by the STAR report, especially through metrics like ADR and ARI, are instrumental in shaping effective pricing strategies. By analyzing these data points, hotels can understand how their pricing compares to the competition and identify opportunities for adjustments. For instance, if a hotel's ADR is consistently lower than its competitive set, it may indicate room for increasing rates. Conversely, a higher than average ADR might necessitate revisiting pricing strategies to ensure competitiveness, especially in markets sensitive to price fluctuations.
  • Dynamic Pricing Decisions: The data also supports dynamic pricing strategies, allowing hotels to adjust rates based on demand, seasonality, and market trends. By understanding the market dynamics and competitive landscape, hotels can optimize their pricing to maximize occupancy and revenue.

Revenue Management

  • Informed Decisions on Room Inventory and Rate Structures: The STAR report provides crucial insights for effective revenue management. Key metrics like occupancy rates and RevPAR enable hoteliers to make informed decisions regarding their room inventory and rate structures. For instance, if the report shows a trend of increasing occupancy rates, it might be an opportunity to experiment with rate increases or introduce premium-priced rooms.
  • Maximizing Revenue Potential: The report's data helps in identifying peak demand periods, allowing hotels to adjust inventory and pricing accordingly. This strategic approach ensures that hotels are not just increasing occupancy but are doing so in a way that maximizes overall revenue potential.

Marketing and Sales Tactics

  • Influencing Marketing Spend and Sales Focus: Understanding the hotel's market position through the STAR report is crucial for developing effective marketing and sales tactics. By analyzing market share and performance against the competitive set, hotels can identify which markets or segments they are underperforming in and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.
  • Targeted Marketing Strategies: For example, if a hotel is underperforming in attracting business travelers, the data might suggest a need to reallocate marketing resources to target this segment more effectively. Similarly, if the hotel is performing well in leisure travel markets, it might indicate an opportunity to enhance sales efforts in this area to capitalize on its strong position.

Challenges and Considerations

While the STAR report is an invaluable tool for hoteliers, its effectiveness hinges on certain critical factors, such as the selection of an appropriate competitive set and the accuracy and confidentiality of data.

Selecting an Appropriate Competitive Set

  • Relevance of Selected Competitors: The accuracy and utility of the STAR report are largely dependent on the selection of a competitive set that accurately reflects the hotel's true competitors. Choosing hotels that are similar in terms of size, service level, location, and guest demographics is crucial. If the competitive set is not well-matched, the insights derived from the report can be misleading. For instance, comparing a luxury hotel with mid-scale properties might give an inflated view of the hotel’s performance.
  • Regular Review and Adjustment: It's also important for hotels to regularly review and potentially adjust their competitive set. Market dynamics, new hotel openings, renovations, or changes in branding can alter the competitive landscape, necessitating a reevaluation of the chosen competitors.

Ensuring Data Accuracy and Confidentiality

  • Data Accuracy: The reliability of the STAR report is contingent on the accuracy of the data provided by participating hotels. Inaccurate or incomplete data submissions can skew results, leading to incorrect conclusions. Hotels must ensure that the data they provide is precise and reflective of their actual performance.
  • Confidentiality and Data Security: Given the sensitive nature of the data involved, maintaining confidentiality and secure handling of information is paramount. This includes safeguarding against unauthorized access and ensuring that data sharing complies with relevant privacy regulations. Hotels need to trust that their data, as well as the aggregated data they receive in the report, is handled with the utmost care to maintain the integrity of the insights provided.

The Future of Hotel Benchmarking

The landscape of hotel benchmarking is poised for significant evolution, driven by technological advancements and the growing sophistication of analytics. These developments promise to enhance the precision and predictive capabilities of benchmarking tools, offering deeper insights for strategic planning in the hospitality industry.

Technological Advancements

  • Refinement of Benchmarking Tools: Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, are set to refine the capabilities of benchmarking tools like the STAR report. These technologies can process vast amounts of data more efficiently and accurately, providing more nuanced and detailed analyses of hotel performance.
  • Integration with Other Systems: Future benchmarking tools may offer better integration with various hotel management systems, allowing for real-time data analysis and more dynamic benchmarking. This integration can provide hoteliers with up-to-the-minute insights, enabling quicker responses to market changes.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Technological advancements also aim to improve the user experience of these tools. This could include more intuitive interfaces, personalized dashboards, and customizable reports that cater to the specific needs and goals of different hotels.

Predictive Analytics and Big Data

  • More Predictive Insights: The evolution of analytics, particularly through the use of big data, is expected to shift the focus from mere descriptive analytics to more predictive and prescriptive models. This means future benchmarking tools will not only analyze past and present performance but also forecast future trends and outcomes.
  • Enabling Proactive Strategic Planning: With predictive analytics, hotels will be able to anticipate market changes, guest behavior patterns, and revenue opportunities more effectively. This foresight will enable hoteliers to make proactive strategic decisions, such as adjusting pricing strategies ahead of demand shifts or optimizing marketing campaigns for emerging guest segments.
  • Customized Recommendations: Advanced analytics might also provide customized recommendations based on a hotel’s unique data and market position. This could range from suggesting optimal room rates to identifying the most effective marketing channels for a particular target audience.


In an industry as dynamic and competitive as hospitality, the ability to make informed, strategic decisions is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. The STAR report, with its comprehensive and detailed analysis of key performance metrics, stands as a critical tool in the arsenal of modern hoteliers. From providing a granular view of market positioning with its data segmentation to offering insights through historical performance analysis and competitive set benchmarking, the report is much more than a mere collection of data. It's a lens through which hoteliers can view their operations, measure their success, and plot their future course.

The report's role in developing pricing strategies, guiding revenue management, and shaping marketing and sales tactics cannot be overstated. It turns data into actionable intelligence, enabling hoteliers to adapt to market dynamics, recognize opportunities for growth, and address areas of weakness. However, the utility of the STAR report hinges on selecting an appropriate competitive set and ensuring the accuracy and confidentiality of data. These challenges underscore the need for meticulousness and strategic thinking in utilizing the report to its fullest potential.

Looking forward, the future of hotel benchmarking is bright and promising, shaped by technological advancements and the evolution of analytics. With emerging technologies and big data paving the way for more predictive and prescriptive analytics, hoteliers will be equipped with even more powerful tools to anticipate market trends and make proactive decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a STAR Report?

A STAR Report (Smith Travel Accommodations Report) is a benchmarking tool provided by STR Global that compares a hotel’s performance against its competitors. It analyzes key metrics such as occupancy rate, Average Daily Rate (ADR), and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR).


How does a STAR Report help in hotel management?

The STAR Report helps hoteliers understand their market position, analyze trends, and make informed strategic decisions regarding pricing, marketing, and revenue management. It provides insights into competitive performance, enabling hotels to improve their operations and market strategies.


What are the key metrics analyzed in a STAR Report?

The primary metrics analyzed in a STAR Report are Occupancy Rate, which measures the percentage of occupied rooms; Average Daily Rate (ADR), which calculates the average revenue earned per occupied room; and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR), which combines occupancy and ADR to provide a comprehensive measure of a hotel’s revenue efficiency.