Automatización hotelera

Comunicación con los huéspedes basada en inteligencia artificial


Reduzca los gastos generales y aumente los ingresos


Comunicación autónoma con los huéspedes en más de 130 idiomas


Desde antes de la llegada hasta después de la salida

Hotel automation to save time for staff and increase ancillary revenue.

Automatización hotelera desde la reserva hasta la salida

Autonomous guest engagement along the entire guest journey

hotel marketing automation  along the entire guest journey

Key benefits

Save Time & Costs

Automatice más del 80% de las consultas rutinarias de los huéspedes. Esto permite que el personal se concentre en las tareas que necesitan un toque humano, lo que aumenta la productividad.

Más ingresos por ventas adicionales

Aumente los ingresos por reserva hasta en un 6%. Las ventas adicionales de Viqal mejoran las estancias de los huéspedes y aumentan los ingresos con ofertas de servicios personalizadas.

Personal más feliz

Alivie la carga de trabajo del personal, reduzca el agotamiento y reduzca la rotación mediante la automatización de las tareas repetitivas, lo que se traduce en empleados más felices y comprometidos.

Satisfacción del huésped

Permita interacciones naturales y fluidas para los huéspedes, mejorando su experiencia con una asistencia inmediata y precisa y un servicio personalizado.


Los hoteles pueden personalizar perfectamente las interacciones de los huéspedes. El personal puede hacerse cargo fácilmente de las conversaciones cuando sea necesario, equilibrando la automatización con un toque personal.


Realice un seguimiento de los mensajes automatizados y de los que gestiona el personal. Comprueba cuánto tiempo has ahorrado y cuántas ventas adicionales ha realizado el conserje para ti.

Your guests love convenience

Whatsapp has the highest opening rates of any communication channel.

Leveraging WhatsApp's impressive 98% open rates, we ensure swift and efficient communication, simplifying how guests receive answers, modify bookings, and manage reservations or online check-ins and check-outs. Our hotel automation software operates around the clock, automatically engaging with guests from pre-arrival through post-departure, markedly easing the staff's workload.

hotel automation with a Whatsapp interface for guests.

Set up within 1 hour

Set up of your hotel automation solution is designed to be quick and straightforward, allowing hotels to integrate the system within 1 hour.

How it works

Onboarding and login

Ensure a smooth setup. Our onboarding expert can provide guidance and login credentials for your Viqal account. Get started here.

Connect WhatsApp Business

Link your Meta Business account to Viqal so guests can interact with your verified hotel name with green checkmark on WhatsApp. This ensures authenticity and trust for your guests.

Connect your PMS

Connect Viqal to your property management system. This integration ensures the concierge system has access to real-time data and can function seamlessly.

Personalize your Concierge

Customize tailored responses to meet specific guest inquiries and define boundaries for queries best handled by your team. Elevate service precision and maintain the personal touch.

Step 5


Conduct a test run to ensure everything is working correctly. This step involves checking the system's responsiveness and accuracy in handling typical guest interactions and inquiries.

Frequently Asked Questions


How long does the implementation take?

Less than 1 hour. If Viqal is already integrated with your Property Management System (PMS), the setup can be completed in less than an hour. For hotels requiring new PMS integration, please allow an additional 2-4 weeks. Our team ensures a smooth transition so you can quickly start enhancing your guest service experience.


Do I need a PMS integration?

No, Viqal's Virtual Concierge system can operate without a PMS integration. However, this limits some functionality. For optimal performance, integrating with your PMS is recommended.


Can Viqal integrate with my existing hotel systems?

Yes, Viqal is designed to seamlessly integrate with a variety of hotel systems and platforms, including PMS. This ensures a cohesive and efficient operational flow. If your specific PMS is not listed yet, please make a request and we can initiate the integration process.


Are there any additional fees besides the listed prices?

No. There are no set up costs and also no message fees.


How does Viqal handle data security and guest privacy?

Viqal prioritizes data security and guest privacy by adhering to stringent industry standards and best practices. The system is designed to ensure that all guest data is encrypted, both in transit and at rest, and complies with relevant regulations such as GDPR. Viqal employs regular security audits and updates to safeguard information against unauthorized access or breaches. By implementing these robust security measures, the integration maintains the integrity of your hotel's data and upholds the trust of your guests.


What kind of support does Viqal offer?

Viqal provides comprehensive support to ensure a smooth integration and functionality during your subscription term. Our services include a dedicated integration specialist, 24/7 technical support, and continuous updates. We aim to empower your team to leverage Viqal's full potential from day one.